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Looks Fantastic.

If I only unzip the part one archive I can play but not if I unzip the part to as well into the same directory.  It asks me to overwrite a bunch of files and gives me this error:

Failed to open descriptor file ../../../AlphaProject/AlphaProject.uproject

Also, any chance of a linux release?

Apologies for my late reply. It seems 7Zip or WinRAR will automatically extract both files if you extract from the first file.
I have updated the installation instructions to help future travellers.

Linux release won't be in the pipelines anytime soon unfortunately. I'd like to focus my efforts to first getting the game out of alpha state before porting to other platforms.

(1 edit)

This is a really cool looking project! I can't wait to see what it evolves into.

Woohoo! Thanx for buying! Stay greedy!

I really want to buy it but i can't find the demo version

Unfortunately there is no demo version. I put the game behind a paywall to ensure only the people that know about or have followed the project would be interested in buying it.